Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

„The Son of God became man for our salvation but only in Mary and through Mary.”
– Saint Louis Marie de Montfort

I’m a Catholic. I don’t celebrate Halloween. Why?

I remember as some priest, who is an exorcist, told how on Halloween he exorcised a woman, who screamed and jerked herself very loudly.
At one point, the evil spirit spoke out in the following words: „Today you will not do anything to me, because today is my feast!”
The exorcist at first did not associate the facts, later realized that on this day is celebrated the so-called feast of Halloween.
Coincidence? How much longer will people unconsciously enter the world of evil spirits, and what more will they endanger their children?
Instead of celebrating satanic fun – take your child to the procession of the saints and pray through the intercession of the Servant of God – Matteo of Agnone.
Demons at the time of the exorcisms admit that fr. Matteo of Agnone are ruining their Halloween party.

St. Anthony the Hermit:

„There will come a time when people will be mad and when they see someone in their right mind, they will rise up against him and say, ‚You are mad because you are not like us.'”
Today I want to tell you that life is beautiful and a miracle.
Everyone has the right to life from the moment of conception until natural death.
A civilization of death is spreading throughout the world – children are being killed in the womb and the elderly and the sick are being taken away in the name of false compassion.
We must have the courage to stand up for what is sacred.
You’re a miracle, too, and I’m glad you are.
God bless you.
Hoy quiero decirte que la vida es hermosa y es un milagro.
Toda persona tiene derecho a la vida desde el momento de la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
La civilización de la muerte se está extendiendo por todo el mundo: los bebés son asesinados en el seno materno, los ancianos y los enfermos son asesinados en nombre de una falsa compasión.
Debemos tener el valor de defender lo sagrado.
Tú también eres un milagro, y me alegro de que lo seas.
Que Dios te bendiga.

In a „democratic” world, an absurdity occurs – endangered animal species are protected, while a conceived human being is killed.

Siempre he creído en eso:

1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la vida, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.
2. El feto tiene derecho a la vida, cualesquiera que sean las circunstancias en que haya nacido y las circunstancias en que viva.
3. Nadie tiene derecho a decidir si un niño con discapacidad nace o no.
4. Todo niño también tiene derecho a la vida, independientemente de cuántos segundos, minutos, horas, meses o años viva.

Our Lady of Guadalupe – Patroness of conceived children.

That’s what I’ve always believed:
1. Everyone has the right to life – from conception, to natural death.
2. The unborn child has the right to life regardless of the circumstances under which he or she was conceived and the conditions under which he or she will live.
3. No one has the right to decide whether a child with a disability should be born or not.
4. Every child also has the right to life no matter how many seconds, minutes, hours, months or years, they will live.

I have this little reflection on the Passion of Jesus:

1. When you drink a glass of water in the heat, think of how the Lord Jesus suffered thirst on the Cross out of love for every human being. His tongue was like a dry crust, all stuck to his palate. He had not drunk anything since supper. All this for you and for me.
2. Who among us, knowing what cruel torments awaited him, knowing every detail of it, would go willingly to such a death? I have the impression that the Lord Jesus, in a sense, went mad out of love for sinners. No one in His place would have done that. A frenzy of love!

The Birth of Jesus – From the Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda.

Venerable Mary of Agreda.

The most holy Mary remained in this ecstasy and beatific vision for over an hour immediately preceding her divine delivery. At the moment when She issued from it and regained the use of her senses She felt and saw that the body of the infant God began to move in her virginal womb; how, releasing and freeing Himself from the place which in the course of nature He had occupied for nine months, He now prepared to issue forth from that sacred bridal chamber. This movement not only did not cause any pain or hardship, as happens with the other daughters of Adam and Eve in their childbirths; but filled Her with incomparable joy and delight, causing in her soul and in her virginal body such exalted and divine effects that they exceed all thoughts of men. Her body became so spiritualized with the beauty of heaven that She seemed no more a human and earthly creature. Her countenance emitted rays of light, like a sun incarnadined, and shone in indescribable earnestness and majesty, all inflamed with fervent love. She was kneeling in the manger, her eyes raised to heaven, her hands joined and folded at her breast, her soul wrapped in the Divinity and She herself was entirely deified. In this position, and at the end of the heavenly rapture, the most exalted Lady gave to the world the Only-begotten of the Father and her own, our Savior Jesus, true God and man, at the hour of midnight, on a Sunday. . .

How adore Lord Jesus presents in the Blessed Sacrament.

Blessed Imelda Lambertini.


Blessed Imelda Lambertini was born around 1321 in Bologna, in an aristocratic family.

Her father was Count Egan. As a five-year-old girl, she wanted to join the order, which she was refused at the time. It wasn’t until a few years later that she was given a special, papal consent for you to be a Dominican woman in the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene in Val di Pietra, located nearby Bologna.

When Imelda took part in the Masses celebrated in the monastery chapel, she was especially eager to adore and pray to Eucharistic Christ. That is why she very much wanted take Jesus to heart, despite the fact that fourteenth-century customs did not allow him to receive Holy Communion at such a young age. As legend has it, on May 12, 1333, during the Eucharist, a Host hovering in the air appeared above Imelda’s head. With the priest’s permission, the novice consumed it, and then She died of love.

Her burial place was surrounded by a special cult – today her relics rest in the Bologna church of Saint Sigismund. She was beatified by Pope Leo XII on December 20, 1826.

It is worth remembering this blessed – especially today, when for many the celebration of First Communion is only a social event.Year after year parties are becoming more sumptuous, gadgets and gifts handed to children more and more expensive. And what about the awareness of the importance of this event? Is she deeper and deeper?

Historia de Laura Carmen Vicuña.

Nació en Santiago (Chile) en el 1891. Muerto el padre de manera repentina, la madre se refugió con las dos hijas en Argentina. En el 1900 Laura fue acogida en el colegio de las Hijas de Mª Auxiliadora en Junín de los Andes. Al año siguiente hizo su primera comunión y, como Santo Domingo Savio, hizo los siguientes propósitos: amar a Dios con todo su ser, mortificarse y morir antes que pecar; hacer conocer a Jesús y reparar las ofensas.
Después de haber intuido que la madre vivía en una situación de pecado se ofreció al Señor por su conversión.
Su primer biógrafo, Don Crestanello, señala: „Laura sufría en el secreto de su corazón… Un día decidió ofrecer su vida y aceptar con gusto la muerte, a cambio de la salvación de su madre. Me rogó que bendijera su ardiente deseo. Yo estuve perplejo largo tiempo”.

Acentuó la ascesis y, con el consentimiento del confesor, abrazó con votos privados los consejos evangélicos. Debilitada por los sacrificios y la enfermedad, murió en Junín de los Andes (Argentina) el 22 de enero de 1904.
En la última noche dijo: „¡Mamá, yo muero!. Lo he pedido a Jesús desde hace tiempo ofreciéndole mi vida por ti, para obtener tu retorno a Dios… Mamá, antes de mi muerte ¿no tendré la alegría de verte arrepentida?”. En el día del funeral de Laura la madre vuelve a los sacramentos e inicia una nueva vida. Sus restos están en la Capilla de las Hijas de Mª Auxiliadora en Bahía Blanca (Argentina).

El 3 de septiembre de 1988, en la Colina de las Bienaventuranzas Juveniles, con la presencia de miles de jóvenes participantes en el Confronto ’88, el Papa Juan Pablo II la beatificó y la propuso a los jóvenes como modelo de coherencia evangélica llevada hasta la entrega del don de la vida, por una misión de salvación. La memoria litúrgica se celebra el 22 de enero.

Beata Laura Vicuña.

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